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How do I enter the Euro symbol? Ubuntu

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The easiest way to enter the € Euro Symbol via shortcut is the following: Go to Settings> Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts: View and Customize Shortcuts Click Customized Shortcuts Create two shortcuts, one for the Dollar Sign and one for the Euro sign. Now if you want, for example, to change the $ sign Press Ctrl+Alt+D and then Shift+4 Now if you want, for example, to change the € sign Press Ctrl+Alt+E and then Shift+4 Enjoy!

Install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 

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To install Google Chrome from the terminal, get the DEB file using the wget command: Installing Google chrome use the below command  from the downloaded DEB file: That’s it. Now you can find Google Chrome in the menu and start it from there.

Log Analyzer in Linux

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For any apache/nginx or other logs. One of my favorite tools is: goaccess For Debian/Ubuntu installation just installed via apt. $ sudo apt-get install goaccess $ goaccess access.log Or more information can be viewed when generating an HTML file like below $ goaccess -f FILE.LOG –log-format=’%h %^[%d:%t %^] “%r” %s %b “%R” “%u”‘ –date-format=’%d/%b/%Y’ –date-spec=hr –time-format=’%H:%M:%S’ -a -o RESULT.HTML

How to send email using telnet

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Open your terminal. Now, connect with telnet using the following command: telnet 25 Type ehlo Some servers also accept helo in place of ehlo. ehlo Type mail from: mail from: Type rcpt to:, (replace with your actual recipient name): rcpt to:, To write the message – type data, followed by your subject and message. To end the message, put a period on a line by itself and press enter: data Subject: My Telnet Test Email Hello, This is an email sent by using the telnet command. Your friend, Me . Type quit… Read More »How to send email using telnet

How to create a swap file in linux using dd

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Swap file creation As root use dd to create a swap file the size of your choosing (M = Megabytes, G = Gigabytes). For example, creating a 512 MB swap file: # dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=512 Set the right permissions # chmod 600 /swapfile After creating the correctly sized file, format it to swap: # mkswap /swapfile Activate the swap file: # swapon /swapfile Edit fstab to add an entry for the swap file: # vim /etc/fstab /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 Remove swap file To remove a swap file, the current swap file must be turned off.… Read More »How to create a swap file in linux using dd

VMware ESXi convert Thick to Thin Provisioned Drives

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Before converting the VMDK file power off the VM and remove from inventory. ssh to the esx server that you store the VM server that needs conversion Go to /vmfs/volumes/YourStore/YourVMlocation and run the below command to convert the HDD vmkfstools -i ThickHDD.vmdk ThinHDD.vmdk -d ‘thin’ -a lsilogic When is done add the VM again on the ESX server and remove the Thickhdd.vmdk and add the new Thinhdd.vmdk Power on the VM.

Ubuntu Web Control Panel – Ajenti

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Login to your server as root and run the below commands aptitude update Add the Key and Ajenti Repository wget -O- | apt-key add – echo “deb main main ubuntu” >> /etc/apt/sources.list Install Ajenti via apt-get or aptitude aptitude update aptitude install ajenti -y Restart The Ajenti service by running the below command service ajenti restart Access the website with your web browser or Default Username and password is : Username: root Password: admin You can now login change the default password & configure you dashboard as you like etc..

Install webmin on ubuntu

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Login to your server as root. sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list and at the bottom of the file add the bellow line: deb sarge contrib Save the file and run the below command to install the security key: wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add – Update the sources by typing apt-get update or aptitude update apt-get install webmin or aptitude install webmin Open a Web browser go to the webmin login page: https://IPofTheServer:10000 use your default Username & Password  

Mailx configuration

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Using Centos # yum install mailx Go to # vi /etc/mail.rc Add the 2 lines below set set Using Ubuntu # apt-get install mailx Go to # vi /etc/mail.rc Add the 2 lines below set set